[日記] 「波羅的海之路」人鏈+手護台灣



看著波羅的海三國, 不到十年來,從「波羅的海之路」人鏈


Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius 五百多公里的路



波羅的海三小國人口總數僅八百多萬,比台灣來得少,而其地形上,也不如台灣,例如立陶宛的人口總數只有前蘇聯的百分之一點五,土地只有千分之三,更重要的是,他們沒有自己的武力,也沒有海峽屏障,蘇聯戰車可以長驅直入。但他們不畏懼蘇聯,憑著一顆執著的心,於一九八九年八月二十三日從愛沙尼亞首都塔林 (Tallinn)的歌謠祭廣場,經拉脫維亞首都里家(Riga)的自由紀念碑,到立陶宛首都維爾紐斯(Vilnius)的鐘塔,以三國兩百萬人的手,牽起全長五百九十公里的「波羅的海自由人鏈」,並要求前蘇聯撤離與獨立復國。


9 則迴響

Filed under 立陶宛, 台灣, 愛沙尼亞, 拉脫維亞, 日記, 波羅的海三國

9 responses to “[日記] 「波羅的海之路」人鏈+手護台灣

  1. spicyfish

    Hello from Tallinn!

    Yesterday I looked around in Riga, and took the bus to Tallinn.

    Even the 4-hr drive let me quite exhausted, the nice hotel and breakfast buffet give me full energy again xD

    Baltic people are nice and friendly. I have no worry about the safety problem, just don’t know how to spend my money xD.

    See you!

    Fish@Tallinn, Estonia

  2. spicyfish

    Just take a break to write postcards, later to Riga. About the election result, best wishes to Taiwan!

  3. cici

    Can you tell me more about Riga when you are there? How you feel about people’s life, culture, and the city? Is it a nice city to stay? Especially for a Taiwanese. I am thinking to visit there someday.

  4. spicyfish

    Just back from Vilnius. Feel frozen because of the snow.

    Easter Sunday I found no place to spend my Lithuanian litas (Lt), so I ordered 3 Lithuanian dishes for 41.5 Lt (~14 EUR) before leaving Vilnius.

    After arriving in Riga, I walked along the street and accidentally have one more dinner, a warm Latvian cuisine 6.2 Ls (~8.7 EUR), to spend my last Latvian Lati (Ls) as well.

    It seems crazy how I can eat so much for dinner: 1 warm potato dish in Vilnius, 1 cold salad dish on the bus, 1 warm main course in Riga, and 1 cold starter now. Hope I still have space for the breakfast buffet xD

    Baltic states are nice, and the transportation (domestic & international) is quite cheap.

    However, non-EURO is a problem for me. It’s strange that my EC card cannot be charged in the hotels (Tallinn & Riga), but can work on ATM machines?!

    Now I have only 0.8 Ls (~1.12 EUR), nearly no cash at all. At least, it’s enough for the bus to the airport (0.4 Ls) tomorrow xD

    Fish@Riga, Latvia

  5. spicyfish

    to cici,

    I will share more Baltic experience when I can type in Chinese, but I wonder if I can tell you much about Baltic culture and life. This is my first time in Baltic states, and quite short visit (one city per day) in three capital cities (Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius).

  6. cici

    Thank you. I really like to know how you feel about Baltic states, the states we barely know.

  7. spicyfish

    to cici,
    除了搭車買票, 餐廳點菜, 旅館櫃檯

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